Call for Abstracts

Abstract submission is designed to encourage submissions from trainees in the field of radiotheranostics including undergraduates, postgraduates, residents, fellows.

Submission Deadline: Mar 30 2025

Notification of acceptance: April 30 2025

Accepted abstracts will be presented as poster presentations at the Canadian Radiotheranostics Leaders’ Summit (June 12 & 13, Toronto).

Abstract Submission Guidelines:

  • 3000 characters and approximately 300 words in length
  • Formatted as: Purpose, Materials and Methods, Results and Conclusions
  • Diagrams and graphs will not be accepted (scientific characters are acceptable)
  • Submissions should have at least one trainee identified and is listed as first author. The training program in which the trainee is enrolled in must be included as part of the submission.
  • Title, Authors and affiliations are not included in the character count

Submission Instructions:

Download the Abstract Submission Template here.

Abstract submission email will be provided in early March. Please watch this page for instructions. In your email, please include the following information:

  • First and last name first author
  • Email address of first author
  • Academic program the first author is affiliated with for 2024-2025. Please also identify what type of trainee (i.e. medical student, fellow, etc.).
  • Please attach the abstracts as a Word document or PDF.

Abstracts will be scored by a selection committee.